Learn How to Sell | The Enclave Way’s 5 Step Sales Process


…in a way that boosts your brand’s reputation and profitability

When is the last time you sold something?

If you have to think beyond today, you’re probably thinking about this from the wrong angle.

Consider this: most of us are “selling” daily.

  • Owners and managers sell ideas to employees.
  • Salespeople sell products and services to clients and customers.
  • Employees sell their value to bosses to earn a promotion.
  • Spouses sell each other on how they want to spend their time, money, and energy.
  • Even children sell their parents on privileges and products they want.

Selling doesn’t always have to be done in the traditional sense. It’s much more common in our lives than we realize. Which is why it’s important to know how to do it well.

Selling…On Purpose

Selling can be accidental or unplanned. Sometimes, you can get lucky and fall into a sale. You can also follow a cookie-cutter approach that seems stiff or untrustworthy.

Or you can sell on purpose. You can follow a process that respects the client’s individuality and upholds the brand’s integrity. 

Selling on purpose gives new meaning to the sales process. Instead of the goalgoal being just to make a sale and make a dollar, now, selling is about connecting clients and customers with life-enriching value.

Sales Process

The ultimate goal of a salesperson is to connect clients with services and customers with products. But just like any goal, the end result is best achieved through a series of well-thought-out smaller steps.

Developing a process for making sales is crucial for any business that wants to develop long-lasting relationships with its customers. 

While there are many ways different businesses can achieve a sale, most successful, purposeful sales can be boiled down into five steps. 

  1. Develop rapport
  2. Analyze needs
  3. Identify critical issues
  4. Connect to products and services
  5. Pre-close close

These steps make the sales process go smoothly and successfully.

Benefits of a Process

If your business isn’t profitable, something is wrong. But consistent, scalable profitability doesn’t happen by accident. It comes from intentional planning and well-thought-out processes. 

Selling isn’t as simple as having and pricing services or products. By creating an established process, you gain:

  • Consistency in your business
  • Positive client experience
  • Increased confidence 
  • Greater control of outcomes
  • A gauge for effectiveness in business operations

Without a process in which all of your employees are trained, your business will likely suffer from:

  • Ineffective communication
  • Sounding “salesy”
  • Mistrust between your business and your clients
  • Disorganization 
  • Unprofessionalism

By slowing down the sale and laying a strong foundation, your business relationships and sales will increase consistently.

The Magic is in the Process

Find any good salesperson, and you will see consistencies. If you look closely, there will be patterns in how a salesperson interacts with a client. 

This process is the magic behind the sale. Focusing on these steps leading up to the sale – instead of focusing solely on getting the sale – builds a credible reputation for your business and improves the likelihood that the relationship will result in a sale. 

The Enclave Way can help you develop and implement a sales process specific to your business and client base. Working with you, we analyze how your organization conducts business currently. From there, we determine how to fill in the framework of the 5-Step Sales Process as it relates to your business. 

Are you ready to build a more profitable business? Apply now to join The Mastermind Alliance or purchase our online course, Building a Client Experience.

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